Re:Coded connects underserved talent to careers in the digital economy with support from Pledges

The digital economy is poised to generate 90 million new jobs by 2025 and contribute 25% to global GDP by 2030 (World Economic Forum). This opens up vast opportunities for job creation and economic development, and a partnership with Pledges puts Re:Coded in a position to push for change and positive impact.

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August 13, 2023

Alexandra Clare

CEO & Co-Founder

Re:Coded connects underserved talent to careers in the digital economy with support from Pledges
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Change comes at you fast with the digitilization of the economy. However, without a skilled workforce that can leverage digital technologies, many countries will struggle to fully capitalize on these opportunities. 

In 2022, we launched a new partnership with Pledges to take advantage of this opportunity and prepare and place 600 people from underserved communities into life-changing careers in the digital economy through our bootcamp model. The programs are intended to equip people with the skills and networks for in-demand fields such as web development and user experience design within six months followed by tailored career support. 

Programs like our bootcamps that enable people to effectively transition from education into high growth careers are particularly critical in the Middle East and Turkey. It is a region with a population of nearly 600 million people and the largest number of young people transitioning to adulthood in the world. It also has the world's highest youth unemployment rate (26.1%) and lowest women's labor force participation rate, resulting in an economic loss of up to USD 50 billion annually due to low labor force productivity.

The traditional education system in the MENAT region often falls short in adequately providing students with the skills and competencies required for a successful path to employment. This gap is evident in the high percentages of skill deficits that exist across the region, with 70% of the workforce lacking essential skills. In Turkiye alone, a staggering 73% of ICT employers struggle to find qualified candidates, with 97% attributing this issue to a lack of technical and soft skills, hands-on experience, and awareness of global technology trends. 

Re:Coded’s bootcamps aim to address this skills mismatch by providing learners with the most in demand technical, soft and employability skills that enable graduates to be job ready upon graduation. The programs are also coupled with career guidance and a strong mentorship component, linking graduates to industry professionals who can help guide graduates through the first steps of their job search process. 

“This collaboration with Pledges poses an opportunity to build new pathways for talent that are unemployed into high growth careers in the technology sector ” says Alexandra Clare, Re:Coded CEO and Co-Founder. 

Of the six cohorts that have already graduated from bootcamps supported by Pledges, 93% of active job seekers have found employment as developers and designers with salaries that are often double or triple the minimum wage. 

“We have another six cohorts who will be graduating in the coming months or that are currently going through career services and we can’t wait to see where they will end up.”

“Our focus on relevant and market-ready skill development for the tech sector and ensuring impact through viable job placement of the graduates and trainees, works in tandem with Re:Coded’s mission and vision. Through this partnership we foresee a new wave of tech professionals ready to expand not only their own opportunities and careers, but also the local and global tech sectors.” - Sanam Kubra Siddiqui (Director Grants, Pledges Inc.)


About Pledges
Pledges is a 501(c)(3) that supports the best tech bootcamps serving low income countries world-wide. Learn more at

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Authors biography

Alexandra Clare

CEO & Co-Founder

Ali is the CEO of Re:Coded. With a background in humanitarian advocacy and law, she co-founded Re:Coded after roles at NYU, the UN, Human Rights Watch, and Department of Public Prosecutions. Alexandra's achievements include the Women in Tech Global Award, NYU’s Changemaker of the Year, and ANU’s Alumni of the Year. She holds an MSc. in Global Affairs from NYU and a law degree from the Australian National University.

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