5 tips to improve your chances of joining a Re:Coded bootcamp
This is what you need to know to succeed in a bootcamp application at Re:Coded
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May 29, 2022

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Every year, we receive hundreds of applications for our bootcamps. It is a very competitive process and we often only select 6–8% of candidates to join a program.
So we thought we would share 5 tips with you that will help you increase your chances of success during the selection process. But first, let’s take a look at how we choose students.
The selection process has 5 phases and we use more than 120 data points to decide who joins the bootcamp.
1) Online application form
The application form is when we get to know candidates for the first time. In addition to collecting some demographic information, we want to know your story and why you want to join the bootcamp. Typically, only 50% of candidates will be invited to the 2nd phase.
2) Coding or design challenge
In the 2nd phase, we ask candidates for our coding bootcamps to complete a few HTML and CSS lessons online and take a coding challenge based on the knowledge they’ve just learned.
For the design bootcamps applicants that are shortlisted partake in a week long homework challenge so we can assess your motivation and aptitude for the programs ahead.
The goal is not necessarily to produce the perfect answer, but rather demonstrate that you can quickly learn and apply basic concepts.
3) Logic and psychometric test
These tests assess 7 areas that help us predict a student’s degree of success in the bootcamp. The areas we test are analytical thinking, growth mindset, empathy, grit and perseverance, resilience, emotional intelligence, and procedural thinking.
4) Technical interview
Around 15% of candidates make it to the interview phase. The technical interview is conducted by a Re:Coded instructor. The purpose is to check your answers in the coding challenge and make sure you did not copy it from someone else.
5) Final interview
The final interview is conducted by the Re:Coded management team. The purpose is to understand in more details why you want to join the bootcamp. This is your time to shine. Tell us about your career plans and dreams, and show us all your creativity. We also want to make sure you have the ability to commit to the bootcamp, which requires at least 30 hours of study per week for 4 months.
Over the years, we have observed that the most successful candidates are the ones who put more effort throughout the selection process and clearly demonstrate why they want to be part of a coding bootcamp.
These are the 5 tips for increasing your chances of success.
1. Go the extra mile
We are comparing you to hundreds of candidates. If you demonstrate that you have put time and effort in the selection process and have gone above and beyond to show us you deserve a place in the program, your chances of success are higher. An example is giving comprehensive and intelligent answers to the questions in the application form and final interview. We want to hear more than a short and generic answer!
2. Pay attention to details
During the selection process, you will be required to read instructions and produce high quality written content. Make sure you read everything with attention and triple check your work for mistakes, particularly easy-to-fix errors like typos.
3. Do your research
Before you apply, use your search skills to learn more about Re:Coded, our programs, coding, and the work of a web developer or UX/UI designer. If you know very little about what we do, it will always show in the application form and interviews, making you less competitive.
4. Know why you are applying
Going through a bootcamp is not easy. It requires dedication, perseverance, and several hours of study every week. If you are only applying to get a certificate, this won’t be for you.
If you know what it takes to learn and know what you want to do with this skill, please do apply!
If you are still unsure, read more about what it is like to be participate in a Re:Coded bootcamp or other bootcamps. The web is also full of articles, videos and podcasts about software development.
5. Prepare for the interviews
You have conquered all four previous phases and now it is time to claim your place in the bootcamp. The final interviews typically take 15 to 20 minutes. The interview with the Re:Coded management team seeks to assess your ability to understand English and respond clearly and convincingly to questions about your motivation to join bootcamp. We want to hear about your future plans and your views on a handful of relevant topics.
You should prepare for the interview by taking some time to reflect about why you want to learn coding or design and what you want to do with this skill in the future. We recommend you do some research on recent developments in technology and how it intersects with other sectors, like mobility, education and health.
When preparing for the technical interview, which is led by a Re:Coded instructor, go over your challenge again, identify mistakes you may have made, and think of ways you could improve. These are questions you may hear during your interview. But more importantly, show a strong desire to learn from mistakes.
Throughout the selection process, we are looking for candidates who can demonstrate a growth mindset, perseverance, grit, humbleness, accountability, and commitment to the bootcamp.